Tuesday, April 03, 2007


By now you may have noticed that I've had to put an Adult Content warning on the StalkerClan Site. I was forced to by one of Michelle's risque stories. The following is another of her stories and I simply cannot bring myself to put it on the StalkerClan so close to Austin and Cameron in their little league uniforms and our Happy Birthday wish for Patty.

I'm thinking about renaming this site 'SchellSHOCKED' and putting her R-Rated and X-Rated stories here. Wait until you've read the following story then tell me what you think in the comments...

mmmm MMMM Chocolate

I was with a certain relative the other day and we stopped at the restroom at a Quick Mart. Not wanting to go in by herself, she asked me to go in with her. I was staning there when I looked up at the birth control protection dispenser and said, "Thank goodness we don't need those things anymore."

They looked at the machine and said, "Yes, using Kotexs are aggervating."

I said that is not a Kotex machine, that is a birth control protection dispenser. She walked over and started reading the different catagories on the machine. Insert 75 cents it said. There were 4 machines and when she got to the 4th one it said "Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla".

She said, "I thought you said this was a birth control protection dispenser."

I said, "It is."

She said, "Well, what is the chocolate, vanilla and the strawberry about?"

I said, "You don't know?"

She said, "NO. I don't."

I began telling her my very limited knowlege of it and her face drew up and she put her hand up and said, "STOP IT, STOP IT, YOU'RE MAKING ME SICK!"

Needless to say, they didn't get 75 cents from us.

Posted by Michelle


Anonymous said...

I like the title myself. We Stalkers are shocking

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is they sure have come a long way since Sherry and I found the stash in the chest of draweres many many many years ago. If they had been flavored, it is hard to say what the story would have been. The title of the site is perfect. She never fails to absolutely shock the day lights out of me. She has more of Dad's gene than any of the rest of us. He must of saved them all for the last born. Go Schelly. You now have your own site. You and the swank are the talk of the internet world.

Anonymous said...

I have know idea how to put my name in on this site. That might be a good thing. Jeff